Appendix 1 Gippsland

Fisheries Management Paper

Appendix 1 - Proposed fish stockings - Gippsland


The tables present a summary of five Vic Fish Stock consultation meetings held across regional Victoria. They reflect the key outcomes from minutes recorded at each meeting that were circulated to all participants prior to finalisation. Proposals for stockings were received prior to meetings. These proposals were discussed and a final position determined by consensus. The outcome column represents the shared decision of the meeting attendees resulting from this assessment.

Water body and location Special management arrangements Species Proposed stocking number Stocking regime Angler submissions Outcome Comments

Avon River (Stratford)


Australian bass


Sale Fly Fishing Club requested Australian bass stocking above Weirs Crossing.


Supported in principle as Australian bass brood stock have been removed from system for use in the current Australian bass stocking program. Stocking to replace Australian bass brood stock in Avon River and other streams where Australian bass brood stock have been removed. The Victorian Fisheries Authority to initiate TEP process.

Blue Rock Lake (Willow Grove)


Brown trout


Stocked annually


Rainbow trout


Stocked annually


Australian bass


Stocked annually


Received top up stocking of 30,000 Australian bass in 2010. Revert to annual stocking of 15,000 Australian bass (when available) in 2011.

Cowwarr Weir/
Thompson River


Australian bass


Not stocked


Possible site for future stocking of Australian bass. TEP process to be initiated by The Victorian Fisheries Authority. Stocking numbers to be decided based on excess Australian bass if available. Australian bass will be considered for stocking if conditions are determined to suit Australian bass.

Garfield Lake (Garfield)

Family Fishing Lake

Rainbow trout


Stocked twice per year


250 rainbow trout for 2nd and 3rd Semester School Holidays.

Glenmaggie Lake


Rainbow trout


Stocked annually


Australian bass


Stocked annually


Received top-up stocking of 20,000 Australian bass in 2010. Revert to annual stocking of 10,000 Australian bass (when available) in 2011.

Guthridge Lake (Sale)

Family Fishing Lake

Rainbow trout


Stocked twice per year

Sale Fly Fishing Club - request survey to determine stock status.


250 rainbow trout for 2nd and 3rd Semester School Holidays. Survey prior to stocking and post stocking by The Victorian Fisheries Authority (Regional staff).

Guyatt Lake


Drought affected, discontinue stocking due to low water levels. Stocking transferred to Gutheridge Lake.

Hazelwood Pondage (Morwell)




Not stocked


Heyfield Racecourse (Heyfield)

Family Fishing Lake

Rainbow trout


Stocked twice per year


200 rainbow trout for 2nd and 3rd Semester School Holidays.

Hyland Lake (Churchill)

Premier Lake

Rainbow trout


Pulse stocking throughout year


Pulse stocking throughout year

Macalister River


Below Lake Glenmaggie


Brown trout


Stocked annually


Australian bass


Stocked annually


Stock 4,000 Australian bass if available.

Above Lake Glenmaggie to
Basin Flat


Rainbow trout


Stocked annually




Brown trout



Sale Fly Fishing Club - request stocking due to depleted breeding stock in stream.


Re-instatement of brown trout stocking. Anglers feedback (Licola fishing competition results) indicate brown trout numbers have declined. Stocking is required to boost brown trout population. Stocking to be monitored through Licola fishing competition results. Re-assess brown trout stocking after 3 years (2014). Fin clipped.

Glenfalloch homestead to Wellington River-Macalister junction


Rainbow trout


Stocked annually



Morwell Lake (Morwell)

Family Fishing Lake

Rainbow trout


Stocked three times per year


750 rainbow trout for 2nd and 3rd Semester School Holidays and 500 rainbow trout for Fishing Week event.

Narracan Lake (Moe)


Brown trout


Stocked annually


Fisheries independent sampling indicates little return from brown trout stocking in Narracan Lake. Nominated water for future Australian bass stocking. Continue stocking with brown trout until Australian bass stocking established.


Rainbow trout


Stocked annually


Fisheries independent sampling indicates little return from rainbow trout stocking in Narracan Lake. Nominated water for future Australian bass stocking. Continue stocking with rainbow trout until Australian bass stocking established.


Australian bass


Stocked annually


Stock 20,000 Australian bass if available. Survey in 3 years. If Australian bass successful then phase out brown and rainbow trout stocking.

Timbarra River (Timbarra)


Brown trout


Sale Fly Fishing Club - request stocking due to depleted breeding stock.

Not Supported

Submission to stock not supported. River considered to support a self regulating trout population that will alter depending on environmental conditions.

Wentworth River (Tabberabbera)


Stock status surveys requested for Wentworth.

Not Supported