Draft Fisheries (Victorian Pipi) Notice 2017 Consultation Plan

Consultation title

Draft Fisheries (Victorian Pipi) Notice 2017

Representative group/s and/or persons being consulted

  • Commercial wild-catch (Seafood Industry Victoria)
  • Recreational fishing  (VRFish, Future Fish, Rex Hunt)
  • Fishery Access Licence holders
  • Indigenous stakeholders (Federation of Victorian Traditional Owners Corporations, Wathaurung Aboriginal Corporation, Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Corporation)

Managing officer

Sonia Talman, Principal Policy Analyst

Target start date

31 July 2017

Target end date

31 August 2017

Background / history

The draft Notice is intended to manage the commercial harvest of pipis in Victoria until the Pipi Fishery Management Plan is finalised and implemented.

Relevant Statutory provision

Statutory consultation with stakeholders under Section 3A of the Fisheries Act 1995 is required prior to the Minister or delegate making decisions related to Fisheries Notices.


To seek comment on the draft Fisheries (Victorian Pipi) Notice 2017.


Consultation on the draft Notice will be conducted via letters to the persons/groups noted above.

Communication plan

The decision on the draft Notice will be communicated through notices published in the Victoria Government Gazette and the Victorian Fisheries Authority (VFA) website.

Letters informing stakeholders of the decision will be sent to all persons/groups noted above.

Information provision

Stakeholders will be provided with a copy of the draft Fisheries (Victorian Pipi) Notice 2017 and information to explain the draft Notice.

Resources/advice (inc. purchase of advice)

Internal resources of VFA.

Output (documentation / implementation)

Letters to stakeholders; notices published in the Victoria Government Gazette; the VFA website.

Publication of results of consultation

Any submissions received in relation to the consultation being conducted by VFA will be published on the Authority's website. In making a submission, unless the person making the submission indicates to the contrary, they will be consenting to their submission, including their name only, being published on the Authority's website for 90 days from the conclusion of the consultative process.